Serious Sunday

Things that made me smile today......
- being surrounded by loved ones (lots of them)
- talking to hubby
- spending great time with my BIL and soon to be SIL
- having dinner with a good friend
- getting my next project ready
- cleaning the house in superwoman speed

The day did not start so well when I woke up with a huge headache, stuffy nose, and stomach ache.  Of course, I scrambled to get rid of all the symptoms terrified of an oncoming migraine.  In the end, I think the coke helped to get rid of the headache combined with an Excedrin.  The stomach problems went away shortly after with the help of some pretzels, and well AFRIN helped the stuffy nose.  Darn my sinuses.  It was such a lovely day, and I did not want to spend it inside.    Of course, I knew that I was doing a poor job of staying healthy by not exercising, but that soon changed.

I had forgotten that my Brother-in-law and his soon to be bride were docking at a port close by, and had planned to drop in.  The moment the phone rang I remembered what day it was, and I quickly sprinted throughout the house picking up clutter and cleaning like Superwoman.  Out of breath, but pleasantly happy with my progress, I made lunch for all my guests.  I was also babysitting a friends daughter, so my afternoon was busy.  I even made cupcakes for the little ones.  Amazing what one can do, when you try really really hard.

It was a great day, and I was surrounded by loved ones and friends all day.  My BIL played with the kids while I sat and chatted with Linda.  At night I was so exhausted, I seriously contemplated going to bed with the little ones.  However, I gave myself a pedicure and watched some old episodes of Grey's Anatomy (why I never watched it before is beyond me).  

Posted via email from Kinder-Kouture



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