Fix-It Friday #55 - Hands-On Photo Editing Fun!

1.  Corrected the white balance in PS using the Image ~ Adjustment ~ Curves tool.
     That pretty much did away with the red color cast.

2.  Ran MCP Actions Peek A Boo and Oops I Blew It.

3.  Ran a new Adjustment Layer Color Channel to correct skin tones

4. Ran Magical Clarity and Magical Contrast

5. Adjusted Overexposed skin area.

6. Applied Gaussian Blur and reduced opacity to 20%.

7. Ran Darker and Richer MCP Action.

8. Ran Noiseware.

I did the best I could.  The eyes are not perfect.  However, the picture was in pretty bad shape.
My last and final edit

Posted via email from Kinder-Kouture



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