What a day can do....

Things that made me smile today.....♥♥♥♥

- the sun (we had muddy weather all weekend)
- realizing friends stick by you no matter what, and some don't
- talking to DH this morning
- seeing how excited Nicolas was to have class pictures today

I woke up this morning tired and pretty grumpy.  I had such an awful night last night.  Thunderstorms were raging, and the sound of the dishwasher got on my nerves.  I assume I woke up at least three times.  However, I was excited to see blue skies and sunshine this morning, no matter how late we were running.  For some reason, my iphone "alarm clock" app was not working.  I saw the lady at student pick-up hand Nicolas a Tardy card as he walked inside the school.  OOPS.  

I was supposed to get busy on the house, laundry and do some sewing, but my mood was lazy, so I blogged for awhile and then picked myself up and did what needed to be done reluctantly.  After Nicolas comes home we will have to go teacher shopping.  Ok, what is it with Teacher Appreciation Week.  I have four teachers, and to give them a gift every day is ridiculous.  I would prefer to buy them one gift each and make it worth every penny then buying them flowers, candy, books, and bath items????  That is absurd.  I do appreciate the work they do, but I think spending that much money is a joke.  For flowers alone, I would spend about $30 for all four teachers.  The question I have, is will the teachers look down upon the students or the parents for not participating?  I tell you what, I want a Mother's week.  I want Bath items, flowers, candy, sweets and a gift too.  Why do moms only get one day a year?  LOL.  I told you I was grumpy.

Ok, hopefully I can post pictures of the Ottobre shorts I have been working on.  I hate when a project has been lying on my desk for this long.  He needs shorts, and this is such a cool denim material.

Posted via email from Kinder-Kouture



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