An old Ottobre favorite.

Things that made me smile today.....
- sticking to my promise of walking twice a week, even though my body did not want to move this morning.
- spending an hour talking to a good friend
- a great dinner
- beautiful pictures by changing my lens
- looking and admiring an old sewing project that now fits my daughter
- a fresh tomato basil spagetti for dinner

I wanted to accomplish so much today, but an all-day headache and a stomach upset kept me from doing much of anything.  To top it off, the kids were fighting, crazy and so getting to me tonight.  So without further ado, I will just post a few pictures of an earlier Ottobre project that I made for my niece last year.  It is a bit big for Olivia, but it works, and is so cute.

Posted via email from Kinder-Kouture



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