Happy Day.....Sort of.....

I was ok with the fact that he had appointments all day
and the kids were in school
and I was alone for most of the day.

I did not expect a visit from Olivia at 1am in the morning,
and her high fever.
Nor was I prepared to stay up most of the night.

I greeted hubby after his first appt. with a smile, only to look
at a very white face that cringed with each step.
I did not get a kiss hello or a "Hey Honey everything
went well".  Instead I got a 
"cancel all the appointments.....please".

My plans for sewing and cleaning up
disappeared in the wind.
Instead I held onto the little one all day,
got nothing done,
and even the pictures I took did not transfer to my computer.

Here is hoping tomorrow will better then today.
Olivia was feeling much better tonight.
I am headed towards the sewing machine,
and both kids are sleeping soundly.

Posted via email from Kinder-Kouture



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